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Get Builds

GET /builds/:author/:repository/:branch

Get all the builds of a project.

Path parameters

authorstringThe project author.
repositorystringThe project repository.
branchstringThe project branch.

Query parameters

per_pagenumberThe number of projects per page. (default: 30)
pagenumberThe page number. (default: 1)

Response data schema

"id": number, // the build number
"commit": string, // the commit hash this build is built on
"author": string, // the commit author
"timestamp": number, // the commit timestamp
"message": string, // the commit message
"success": boolean, // whether this build is successful
"buildTimestamp": number, // the timestamp of this build
"target": string, // the build artifact filename
"sha1": string // the sha1 hash of the build artifact
... // other builds