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Installing SlimefunTranslation

SlimefunTranslation is a Slimefun Addon, so make sure you have installed Slimefun first. Click here to learn how to install Slimefun.


  • Slimefun: Slimefun Dev 1131 or higher is required.
  • ProtocolLib: Required. You may need to download the development version if you are on 1.20+.
  • PlaceholderAPI: Required. We have used many placeholders in our default translations.


You can download from either page:

  • Blob Builds, the official builds page for Slimefun and addons: Click to go
  • Guizhan Builds, my own builds page, all my addons are also available there: Build Status

The build number may be different on these 2 pages, because Blob Builds will not include failed builds. As long as they are latest on the page, they are supported.


Once you downloaded the jar files of required plugins, put them into your server's plugins folder.

Then restart the server. SlimefunTranslation will begin the first installation.


Never use /reload command. It may cause unexpected issues.