

Decompressor is an electric machine that decompresses various materials to their original form.


Energy consumption: 60 J/t

default values

Some of these information can be changed in the item specific configurations by server owners. The wiki only shows the default values. Check the actual information in-game.


Netherite BlockNetherite Ingot x9
Emerald BlockEmerald x9
Diamond BlockDiamond x9
Gold BlockGold Ingot x9
Iron BlockIron Ingot x9
Lapis BlockLapis Lazuli x9
Redstone BlockRedstone x9
Coal BlockCoal x9
Quartz BlockQuartz x4
Quintuple Compressed CobblestoneQuadruple Compressed Cobblestone x8
Quadruple Compressed CobblestoneTriple Compressed Cobblestone x8
Triple Compressed CobblestoneDouble Compressed Cobblestone x8
Double Compressed CobblestoneSingle Compressed Cobblestone x8
Single Compressed CobblestoneCobblestone x8