
API methods

You can access our API by SlimefunTranslationAPI class.

Avoid accessing other classes/methods directly, as they are subject to change.


Get the User

A User represents an online player, it stores the player's language and some other information.

SlimefunTranslationAPI.getUser(UUID uuid)
SlimefunTranslationAPI.getUser(Player player)

The method returns a User object (Reference) to pass to other API methods.

User user = SlimefunTranslationAPI.getUser(player);

Get translated item name

SlimefunTranslationAPI.getItemName(User user, String id)
SlimefunTranslationAPI.getItemName(User user, @Nullable SlimefunItem sfItem)

The method returns a String that is the translated name of the item for the given User.

If the item is invalid (sfItem is null, or id is not a valid item id), the method returns an empty string.
If there is no available translation for the item, the default item name is returned.

Translate an item

SlimefunTranslationAPI.translateItem(User user, ItemStack item)

The method translates the item for the given User. It returns a boolean value representing whether the translation is applied to the item. Check out "How do translations work?" page for more information.


This method modifies the provided ItemStack. Pass a copy of item if you want to keep the original item unchanged.

Get the lore

SlimefunTranslationAPI.getLore(User user, String id, boolean defaultToId)

The method returns the lore line String by given id. (Reference)

Get the MessageFactory

The MessageFactory provides methods to send translated messages to the player.

SlimefunTranslationAPI.getMessageFactory(Plugin plugin)